Votes for Women

Votes for Women is a card-driven game covering the American women's suffrage movement from 1848-1920, culminating with the ratification (or rejection) of the Nineteenth Amendment.

To win, the Suffragist player must have Congress pass the proposed Amendment and then have three-fourths of the states (36 of the then 48 states) ratify the Amendment. The Opposition player wins by either preventing Congress from passing the proposed Amendment or by having 13 states reject the Amendment.

Designer: Tory Brown.
Publisher: Fort Circle Games.
Programming: Mischa Untaga.

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Players: Midomar, Yoxhar
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Players: Yoxhar, olivier
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Players: Xaif, Swede87
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Players: SailingGuy, Daimyo
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Players: Franchu85, Celebi
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Players: Bambrough, Defhu
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Players: matfr, Bambrough
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🔃 79933
Finished: 11 hours ago
Result: Pete DeBacco (Suffragist)
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Players: Quagmiro, Fran
Finished: 15 hours ago
Result: Quagmiro (Suffragist)
I have never played it before
Players: Quagmiro, Qacper
Finished: 19 hours ago
Result: Qacper (Opposition)
Fast - many moves per day
Finished: 22 hours ago
Result: Quagmiro (Opposition)
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Players: czmielon, Fran
Finished: yesterday
Result: Fran (Opposition)
Fast - many moves per day
Players: AlfredoG, lolopedo
Finished: yesterday
Result: lolopedo (Opposition)
Players: spudrph, Kevin
Finished: 2 days ago
Result: Kevin (Opposition)
Fast - many moves per day
Finished: 4 days ago
Result: Pete DeBacco (Suffragist)
Fast - many moves per day
Players: Danjou, Xaif
Finished: 4 days ago
Result: Danjou (Suffragist)
Players: SamLanky, Jamie
Finished: 4 days ago
Result: Jamie (Opposition)
Fast - many moves per day
Players: Swede87, Karl K
Finished: 4 days ago
Result: Karl K (Opposition)
Players: loscemo, J Napes
Finished: 4 days ago
Result: J Napes (Opposition)